Furman Elite-15i 7-Outlet Linear Filtering AC Power Source Source
Further, our digital AC voltage and current meters allow precise measurements of the incoming AC line and current loads. These meters are a valuable asset when monitoring systems that are connected to today's potentially poor power grids. The meters may be dimmed when monitoring is not required.
Furman IT-Reference 20i 12-Outlet Discrete Symmetrical AC Power Source
The extreme AC demands encountered in the professional audio/ video arena have required technological developments far in excess of typical home theater/audiophile power products. In studios, live sound, and broadcast facilities, breakdown is unacceptable. Equipment failure or poor performance is costly. The same
Furman IT Reference 20i 12-Outlet Discrete Symmetrical AC Power Source
For over 33 years, Furman has pioneered the development of AC power products for the most demanding audio, video, and broadcast professionals. Though the need for pristine AC power is nothing new, the IT-REFERENCE 20i's technology and its unique implementation are revolutionary and without peer.
Furman P-3600 AR G Prestige Global Voltage Regulator
Further, our digital AC voltage and current meters allow precise measurements of the incoming AC line and current loads. These meters are a valuable asset when monitoring systems that are connected to today's potentially poor power grids. The meters may be dimmed when monitoring is not required.